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Evoy reaches new heights on the local scene in Florø setting a new world record for production electrical boats!
Evoy produces turn-key full-electric propulsion systems for fast boats. Our vision is to eliminate boating emissions. Evoy has for a long time had their eyes on the current world record for production electric boats, set by a German boat company, at 51,3 knots.
A cold, but clear November day, everything was set up. Evoy1 – baptised by PM Erna Solberg in August 2019 – was ready. 4 runs at maximum speed were done and the average from the first two were 55 knots – over 100 km/h. The World record was beat! Since one ran out of time – and weather – to do the runs with fully official time taking equipment, the record is unofficial. Evoy will do an official run in the springtime!
The Norwegian Media House TV2 covered the world record attempt streaming live news with this headline for the article:
See the live news video her.
The local newspaper Firdaposten covered the world record attempt with this excerpt:
Stavøstrand fortel til Firdaposten at han under forsøket såg ned på speedometeret, og leste av heile 55,5 knop. For at det skal registrerast som verdsrekord vert det gjort ei gjennomsnittsutrekning, og den nye verdsrekorden vil då truleg vere på 54 knop og tilhøyre Stavøstrand og hans Evoy1.
NRK Sogn og Fjordane starts their news article with this:
– Det er heilt surrealistisk. Eg fekk gåsehud då eg såg ned på speedometeret, seier båtførar Leif Stavøstrand.
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